
Storage building

Storage building

Construction of a storage shed shall be underway shortly. Currently locking in quotations to complete the works.

Deos Terrum is not bound by any restrictions on building, other than works shall not cause demonstrable harm or injury to a neighbour or his property.

The immediate neighbour, the only neighbour who could possibly voice a concern, was contacted and asked if there were any objections to the proposed building. No objections were returned, thus it shall proceed.

Posted by Sojourner in Deos
Cadastral location

Cadastral location

CadastralPointsDeosTerrum (pdf)

Cadastral Points from most North West corner, clockwise direction.
Cadastral point 1
Point Number 2339222
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.195
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81024771
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.51306181

164.2 yards (150.14m) to
Cadastral Point 2
Point Number 2339266
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.198
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.80997420
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.51465026

148.5 yards (135.81m) to
Cadastral Point 3
Point Number 2339265
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.194
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.80994470
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.51611690

220.4 yards (201.54m) to
Cadastral Point 4
Point Number 4635872
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Coordinate Method D – Phase 1 LSA
Point Accuracy(m) 0.177
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81031906
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.51824761

295.4 yards (270.08m) to
Cadastral Point 5
Point Number 2339264
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.189
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81087686
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.52108675

147.7 yards (135.02m) to
Cadastral Point 6
Point Number 2339263
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.182
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81128219
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.52246171

99 yards (90.51m) to
Cadastral Point 7
Point Number 2339262
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.183
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81169880
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.52330222

51.3 yards (46.92m) to
Cadastral Point 8
Point Number 2339261
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.184
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81197195
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.52368914

140.1 yards (128.13m) to
Cadastral Point 9
Point Number 2339233
Point Type Road Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.177
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81291445
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.52448899

1156.3 yards (1057.34m) to
Cadastral Point 10
Point Number 2339221
Point Type Normal Boundary
Surveyed? Yes
Point Accuracy(m) 0.191
Latitude(GDA2020) -33.81293480
Longitude(GDA2020) 116.51306723

326.2 yards (298.24m) to start point, Cadastral Point 1

Posted by Sojourner in Deos