About Deos Terrum

Deos Terrum (God’s earth) is a nation within a nation. The location of mainland Deos Terrum, comprising 67acres 34 perches, with internal waters, and claimed air space directly above the territory land to an upper limit of 11 miles, and below the territory surface land to a depth of 11 miles. At Proclamation the cadastral point of north west corner being of Latitude -33.81024771, Longitude 116.51306181, upon the land mass known as Australia. Full boundary of ten surveyed Cadastral Points documented.

The land

The land, now known as Deos Terrum, is free of Easements, Mortgages, Covenants, Caveats and any third party registered interests, being unencumbered.

The Noongar are one of the largest group of original peoples in Australia and have lived in the area for at least 45,000 years. The Noongar people are descendants of the Kaneang language group and their neighbours, the Koreng, Pinjareb, and Menang people.


At one point in history, Title was issued as a Crown grant, the land has since been returned to its equitable roots, custodians again being men and women, not corporate soles.

A personal action ex delicto brought to recover possession of goods unlawfully taken, (generally, but not only, applicable to the taking of goods distrained for rent,) the validity of which taking it is the mode of contesting, if the party from whom the goods were taken wishes to have them back in specie, whereas, if he prefer to have damages instead, the validity may be contested by action of trespass or unlawful distress. The word means a redelivery to the owner of the pledge or thing taken in distress. Wharton. And see Sinnott v. Feiock, 165 N. Y. 444, 59 N. E. 265, 53 L. R. A. 565, 80 Am. St. Rep. 736; Healey v. Humphrey, 81 Fed. 990, 27 C. C. A. 39; Mc- Junkin v. Mathers, 158 Pa. 137, 27 Atl. 873; Tracy v. Warren, 104 Mass. 377; Lazard v. Wheeler, 22 Cal. 142: Maclary v. Turner, 9 Houst. (Del.) 281. 32 Atl. 325; Johnson v. Boehme. 66 Kan. 72, 71 Pac. 243, 97 Am. St Rep. 357.

The People

The men and women of Deos Terrum have adopted in principle the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, which shall be modified by necessity, with the intent to return to the complete Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia at the earliest opportunity.

Let it be proclaimed, people of Deos Terrum are not enemies of the State, nor do we/they harbor any ill will toward the Australian Government or its institutions or agents. As law-abiding men and women, we continue to strive to uphold the values and principles that the Commonwealth stands for. Our intention is to continue being productive members of the Commonwealth and to contribute positively to our nation’s growth and development. We remain committed to working within the framework of our Constitutional laws into the future.

The men and women of Deos Terrum have adopted the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969, and have chosen to adopt the principles of Magna Carta 1215, The Petition of Right 1628, the Habeas Corpus Act 1679, the English Common Law, and the Bill of Rights 1688.

Not adopted:
Unless it is published above, the men and women of Deos Terrum have not, and shall not, adopt any other treaty or agreement, including but not limited to Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), as amended (Rome, 15 March 1940) and the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Cooperation 1975 (LIMA Agreement).

Deos Terrum Government
The Executive team will decide structure of government, members of the inaugural Parliament and their respective portfolios. The type of government is yet to be established, but it shall adopt in principle the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, which shall be modified by necessity, with the intent to return to the complete Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia at the earliest opportunity.

The official language
The official written and spoken language of Deos Terrum is English, following traditional rules of English grammar.


Nominations for the Executive team are now open. Email office@deosterrum.com.

Gold and silver.

Rights, responsibilities and obligations of sojourners or territories of Deos Terrum

Any man or woman, of the land and soil, being a sojourner of Deos Terrum, waives no inalienable rights but shall be bound by natural and common law, in that they must not cause harm, loss or injury to any other man or woman.

No dog, cat or animal registrations, licenses or permits are required for animals of sojourners of Deos Terrum.

There are no automobile registration fees or driver license fees applicable for private travel, non-commercial use. Vehicle and driver registrations are only required if operating in commerce.

No building permits are required within territories of Deos Terrum, common law principles apply.

No “sustainable development” goals, planning restrictions or foreign agendas shall be enforced or applicable.

No firebreaks restrictions or requirements shall apply to land territory of Deos Terrum.

There shall be no mining or exploration upon, above or below the surface of the land without prior written agreement from the custodian.

No tax is payable by, or to be collected from, sojourners of Deos Terrum.

Infrastructure and the administration of Deos Terrum shall be funded by bequests and donations.

by: Jillian
Protector and custodian of the Deos Terrum realm